Vaginal Tightening with VTone

VTone provides electrical stimulation and neuromuscular re-education to strengthen and rehabilitate weak pelvic floor muscles. It’s essentially “super Kegels”  to improve vaginal muscle tone or incontinence. 

A tune-up for your temple

The pelvic floor muscles control the opening and closing of both vulvar openings. Our treatments help you quickly work out this muscle group for tightening the contraction of the vaginal walls and eliminating any incontinence. In France, this “post-natal exercise routine” is considered so essential that it is provided free of charge by the government to young mothers. 

A month of Kegels in one 30-minute treatment..

Our core beliefs are to strive for excellence through attention to detail, to work with honesty and transparency, and to provide you with a relaxing spa experience second to none.

What to expect with VTone

This is a gentle, relaxed form of physical therapy for some of the most important muscles in your body. We use the VTone device at your pace and comfort level to send a gentle pulse to cause the pelvic floor to contract, making it stronger with each repetition. In just minutes, your muscles will perform hundred of repetitions, making them strong like you’ve been doing Kegels every day for a month.

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Procedure Time

30 minutes

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Duration of Results

Maximum results continue for 2-3 weeks after treatment.

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After a few minutes of rest, you come out feeling energized and powerful, like after a work out.

Frequently Asked Questions

VTone feels like an electrical pulse making your muscles contract. It stimulates the same activity as a Kegel exercise. It doesn’t hurt because it is a natural body movement. 

Each session lasts about 20-30 minutes, but will depend on each patient.

As we strengthen your pelvic floor, you will have greater control over those muscles following a few minutes o rest after the treatment. You will see maximum results in 1-2 days after your visit, and your muscle tone in that area will improve with every session of the treatment course. 

There is no downtime associated with this treatment. You may feel slight muscle soreness, but otherwise you can go about your daily activities.

Typically you will need a series of 6 treatments spaced 1-3 weeks apart. Like any other muscle, the pelvic floor muscles need occasional training to maintain optimal tone.

Are you ready to discover a more radiant you?

We are premier VTone vaginal rejuvenation experts in Georgia.

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